Wednesday 23 September 2009

Neophobia! (I suppose ...)

Muse has released a new album.

For those of you who don't know, Muse currently competes with Gorillaz as my Greatest, Most Favouritest Band of all Time, Ever, a title I do not hand out frivolously, and so, when I heard that their new album, The Resistance, had arrived I jumped for joy.

I have not purchased this new GlitterDisk (ATOP) and so, being the cautious buyer I am (hur, hur hur,) I decided to see if I could here any of the new songs. After all, legitimate CDs are (relatively) expencive out here in the third world. I don't want to buy anything that's CRAP. Luckily, YouTube is packed to the brim with such videos.
So, here we go; Uprising.
Stop reading. Just ... listen to it.

Done? If so, good. If not, you're a disobedient little swine and I pity your inability to follow simple instructions. Of course, if you have good REASON not to listen, I guess you're forgiven ... just ... don't let it happen again, okay? Good. Now, have a cookie.

Anyway, wasn't that AWESOME!? I certainly think so. It's a strange mix of 1984, Dr. Who, Night of the Living Dead, V for Vendetta and the Teddy Bear's Picnic.
Now, I'll admit, at first I was a little taken aback by how techno it all sounded, but my fears were quickly put to rest by Matthew Bellamy's crooning and the piercing crash of his electric guitar.

Hey, Rude! I, once again, hear you shout, you're a slightly philosophical video-game/movie-nerd, you're not allowed to write about MUSIC!

Well, never fear, darling reader, for that's not the main topic of this little rant is not the song itself, (though it IS awesome,) but the general reaction to it. While YouTube comments are generally ... well ... shit, the ones for this song are unusually coherent. If you take a second to read a few, you'll notice another pattern emerging; they're mainly negative.

This is funny, as it reminds me of the reaction to some of the comments about Muse's LAST album, Black Holes and Revelations, with the masses screeming that it's not enough like Muse. I believe we can safely disregard these comments, as Uprising is MUCH more like Muse's early work than Revelations, and, to be frank, Muse is like whatever Muse wants Muse to be like.

So, why all the fuss? The answer is simple my friends: Neophobia!
I'm pretty that's what you'd call it, at least.
People do not like new things ... this is a fact. From the earth revolving around the sun to flying machines, new inventions, new versions of things and new editions of the same old thing annoy and frighten people.

I would go on a rant about how true and annoying this is, but, I see little point. It's well documented, and I'm sure you've experienced it at SOME point in your life. So, instead, I leave you with a thought: Next time you see or try something new, try going at it with an open mind. Who knows? It might be good ...

On a partially related note, how do you like the new look? I think the pink really suits ... but ... that's just my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. MUSE. ARE. AWESOME. Also I'm really going to have to get this album, also the vast majority of people on youtube are retarded. I have an account because favourites is useful =P
