Monday 25 July 2011

The Londonium

Right! Here we are again, at the helm of yet another post on the Blog with a Memorable Name. As always, it has been an Epoch since my last post, but I actually have an excuse this time!
You see, I am in London, capital of our mildly shabby nation, enjoying the many flavours of art and culture it has to offer, though, regrettably, without a reliable source of internetings. I've been assisting in the construction and operation of Folly for a Flyover, a delightful little project in Hackney which, if you can (and I know all four of you can't), you should check out.
I've also been dipping my toes in the world of theatre, trying out a Drama course, which has been brilliant. I was an Antelope for a little while. What fun! This little course has motivated me to pursue theatre as my "calling." So, that's good I suppose.

Things that have been on my mind to rant about:

D&D Essentials/Encounters: I played a game of D&D Encounters last Wednesday and ... well ... I wasn't impressed. The only way I could describe it was like D&D 4.0 but with all the fun, new, cool stuff taken out and replaced with combat and railroading. While I enjoy combat, I feel it should enhance the story, rather than being the focus of the game with the plot only hanging around to give a vague reason for the next fight. The Essentials version of the game seems determined to reinforce the old limitations on the character classes: Healers spend the entire game being nagged at and Fighters have had their cool Fighter-powers taken away, restricting them to the options of: Hitting things or Nagging the Healer.

Infinity: A fun little 20mm scale Skirmish game. Uses D20s and reactive actions. It all seems a bit complicated at first glance, but once you've seen a game played it all comes together. Also contains the best Samurai with Rocket Launchers ever.

X-Men: First Class: Undoubtedly the best of the X-men films ... and, while that isn't saying much, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Very good use of Magneto's powers and a great characterization of Beast. Also contains the best cameo ever.

Akira: I saw all of the classic anime Akira the other day, and it was brilliant. I've seen bits and pieces before and enjoyed the bike chases and psychic destruction, but I didn't realize quite how vague the ending was. Still, a lot of fun. Also contained the most unfortunate character of all time.

I can't think of anything else at this exact moment, so I will bid you a dew. One dew, going once, going twice, SOLD to the angry Scottish woman that called me lazy!
Lots of love, R. Rabbit.

PS. If you want to get in contact with me, shoot me an Email! While I'm rather detached from the worlds of Blogging and IMing I can still fire Emails across the void now and again.

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