Thursday 4 June 2009

And so it begins ...

Well, after a good half hour of searching, a few minutes of setup-time, one bathroom-break and a lot of goading from my best friend, I have done it. I have claimed a patch of my own in the wild, untamed lands of blog-topia. Admittedly, this isn't too much of an life-changing event for you, considering blog-topia is an overcrowded and congested little burg, but hey, humour me.

I haven't got much of a purpose for writing this, which doesn't really give you much incentive to read it, so, altogether, we're off to a bad start.

After complaining about stuff to my afore-mentioned best friend, Wrince, I have decided to open my rants to the whole wide world for EVERYONE to ignore, not just him.

What is this post about? Well, allow me to start at the beginning ...

After the initial architectural plan had been set forth, I needed a plot of land for my blog. Wrince, being the Internet-master he is, pointed me in the direction of "BayWords," for an unknown reason. I dropped the strained building-metaphor, created an account, played the usual game of Internet tag, and was then told two pieces of information; my username and password.
Now, the username I had picked out for myself earlier in the process, but the password was, I assume, a randomly generated pile of garble, somewhere along the lines of "CL34BEE9."
What on EARTH is THAT!?
I thought the idea of a password was security. Y'know, so no one gets into your account and messes around with your stuff. The password aids in this by acting as a quick safeguard against strangers. Now, no-one's going to remember THAT, which means, for the first few logins at least, you'll have to have it written down, or saved in a text-document on your computer-box. All someone has to do is read your stray piece of paper/.txt file and they've gained access to everything!
From a purely n00bish "I-don't-know-how-such-things-work,-electronically-speaking" standpoint, (boy, my quote-mark fingers are tired) I must say this is a flawed system. I think it would be much better if they randomly generated a WORD for you. Like "Donkey." It's easy to type, can be associated with something of-this-earth, and, is memorable, if only for the "ha ha ha, that's a funny word for a password," factor. Also, no-one could guess it. I have no relationships with any donkeys at all, so it'd be perfect for me. (Does that make me a mule-ist?)
Admittedly, you might not like it so much if your randomly generated word was "Xenarthra," or "Password," but, hey, it's better than "H475JE8"

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