Sunday 14 June 2009

The Un-caped Crusader

I dunno if I said this post would be about my original topic; which was Fallout 3, if i haven't said that already ... but, if it was, I lied. It's not about Fallout at all. There's no hidden subtext, no reading between the lines, nuttin'.

What this post is really about is movies. To be precise, Superhero movies.

Traditionally, costumed do-good-ers wear their signature mask to hide their identities, so that their super-powered enemies can't track down their friends and family. This is all well and good, but, y'see, I've noticed a pattern. In most Superhero motion pictures (with the notable exception of Batman Begins and Dark Knight; well done Christian Bale ^^) the heroes shed their masks during the final scene.
This happens in all three Spiderman films, Iron Man, and even Ghost Rider, who doesn't WEAR a mask.
Many may wonder why this is so. (Other than giving Peter Parker an excuse to execute all-but-one of his enemies. "He'd hurt Aunt May! It's not my fault!" ... jerk.) But, as far as I'm concerned, the answer is all too clear: Movie Stars.
Don't get me wrong, I love Robert Downy Jr. as much as the next guy, but, he's an actor, who's job it is to play the part he is given. The problem is, studios and agents want to make such a big deal of their clients, whether it's to make them happy or to boost the film's popularity, that it interferes with the film, and it's believeability. Would Spiderman keep using a mask that falls off at the first sign of trouble? Tony Stark can really remove armour manually that had to be put on by a large robotic putty-togethery machine? Bruce Banner's head was conveiniently the only part of his body not to hulk out during the final battle with the Abomonation?
Okay, so I exaggerate a little, but, I fear this is what it is coming to.
So, actors, how about leaving the masks on? We all know you're the one behind it, and it'll make all us comic-book nerds very happy.
And, movie-writers, how about leaving the mask on when you make the Captain America movie? (We'll see how that one goes at the international box office. >.>)

I end with a thought for the day: Give the "Merc with a mouth" A MOUTH.

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