Thursday 2 December 2010


Now, I hate to turn things all political here on the Blog with no name, but I am INFURIATED by today's (02/12/10 for posterity) Question Time, specifically by the Liberal Democrat panelist and his responces to questions posed in regards to the raised Tuition Fees. I was so royally pissed, I drew this. While the finances of the government and the raised fees are a travesty in of themselves ... what frustated me (read frustrated me as "MADE SO PISSED OFF THAT I WANTED TO GO INTO THE FUTURE AND EAT MY OWN UNBORN CHILDREN") is that this Lib Dem MP was upholding the policies of the Tories!!!
Now, don't get me wrong, they are together in a government, and, to an extent, they need to work together ...
... but, the Liberal Democrat PMs were elected by Students and those that support the Lib Dems' agreed pro education policies ... by offering their behinds to the Conservatives, they have completely betrayed their constituents and every Student or ex-student that voted for them.

Call me naive, but in this age of New Labor and Neo Conservatives which are often hard to tell apart, I held the Lib Dems on a pedistal. They were The Other One. The party that actually stood for something ... that promiced to actually make a difference in this world.
Thanks for shattering that illusion, guys.

So, this is both a call for both the Lib Dems to grow some backbones, and a call for the parties in general (and NOT just the back-benchers) to actually stand for something.
How about a Labor Party who actually have a socialist agenda?
A Conservative Party that aim to actually lower a tax?
Or perhaps a Party of Lib Dems that aims to instigate positive change?

Just a thought.

Planning to start a coup and set up a Dictatorship with Stephen Fry as grand overlord (I mean ... c'mon. Who's better qualified!?) -
Rude Rabbit

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